Sunlight Wearable
Sol-a-day targets the issue of lack of sun exposure, which affects general happiness and mood.
Arising from the idea of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Sol-a-day targets the lack of sun exposure, which affects general happiness and mood.
As opposed to other existing devices, Sol-a-day reminds the user to go outside.
Why go outside?
Not only does going outside increase one’s Vitamin D intake, but research has also shown that nature impacts general wellbeing.
As Harvard Health says, “Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin because sunlight hitting the skin begins the circuitous process — the liver and kidneys get involved — that eventually leads to the creation of the biologically active form of the vitamin. Over all, research is showing that many vitamins, while necessary, don’t have such great disease-fighting powers, but vitamin D may prove to be the exception.
Constructing the Sensor
Alligator clips for testing
Crafting the brooch
Felt -visit this tutorial for a more in depth guide for cutting and felt templates!
Connective thread
Glue or thread to connect the pieces
Soldering iron and solder
Wire strippers
Clear nail polish
Safety pin or magnet