Sunlight Wearable

Sol-a-day targets the issue of lack of sun exposure, which affects general happiness and mood.

Arising from the idea of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Sol-a-day targets the lack of sun exposure, which affects general happiness and mood.

As opposed to other existing devices, Sol-a-day reminds the user to go outside.

Why go outside?

Not only does going outside increase one’s Vitamin D intake, but research has also shown that nature impacts general wellbeing.

As Harvard Health says, “Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin because sunlight hitting the skin begins the circuitous process — the liver and kidneys get involved — that eventually leads to the creation of the biologically active form of the vitamin. Over all, research is showing that many vitamins, while necessary, don’t have such great disease-fighting powers, but vitamin D may prove to be the exception.



Constructing the Sensor

Crafting the brooch

  • Felt -visit this tutorial for a more in depth guide for cutting and felt templates!

  • Connective thread

  • Glue or thread to connect the pieces

  • Scissors

  • Soldering iron and solder

  • Wire strippers

  • Clear nail polish

  • Safety pin or magnet

 Assembling the Device


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